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How Do Allergies Affect Your Eyes?

Spring is in the air, and so are various allergens that cause many people to have watery and itchy eyes. But what if your eyes could find relief from these seasonal attacks?

At Shore Family Eyecare, we believe no one should have to put their life on pause due to eye allergies. Whether battling the occasional itch or ongoing irritation, this blog will explain how allergies affect your eyes and how our Manasquan team can help bring clarity and comfort back to your vision.

Allergies and Your Eyes

Allergies are a common cause of eye discomfort. When allergens such as dust, pollen, and pet dander come into contact with the eyes, they trigger an immune response. The body mistakenly identifies these harmless substances as threats, producing immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. These antibodies attach to mast cells, which are abundant in areas like the eyes.

Upon exposure to the allergens, the mast cells, activated by the IgE antibodies, release various chemicals, including histamine. Histamine increases the permeability of blood vessels, causing them to dilate and leak fluid. This reaction leads to various common eye symptoms.

Symptoms of Eye Allergies

Eye allergies, or allergic conjunctivitis, can cause several uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Eye redness: Allergens can cause the blood vessels in the eyes to expand, making the eyes appear reddish
  • Itchy eyes: Allergies can lead to an overwhelming urge to rub the eyes, one of the most characteristic symptoms
  • Eye swelling: Inflammation may cause the eyelids to become swollen and puffy
  • Watery Eyes: Increased tear production is a typical response to irritation caused by allergens
  • Discharge: Eyes may discharge a clear or slightly thick, mucus-like fluid
  • Burning Sensation: Eyes may feel irritated or burn in response to allergens
  • Sensitivity to Light: Some people may experience increased sensitivity to light during an allergic reaction

How Long Do Allergies Last?

The duration of allergies can vary widely depending on the type of allergy and individual factors. Here are some general guidelines for different allergy types:

Seasonal Allergies (Hay Fever): Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds trigger these allergies. The pollen season usually determines the duration, which can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the climate.

Perennial Allergies: These occur year-round, and exposure to indoor allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold usually triggers them. The symptoms can persist or come and go throughout the year, often worsening with increased exposure.

Food Allergies: Reactions to food allergens can occur within minutes to a few hours after consuming the food. If there are no complications, the symptoms usually resolve within a few hours to a day.
Insect Sting Allergies: Reactions to insect stings can be immediate and may last several days, especially if swelling or anaphylaxis occurs.

Finding Relief From Eye Allergies

Relief from eye allergies involves avoiding allergens and using treatments to alleviate symptoms. Here are some effective strategies:

Avoid Allergens: Stay indoors during high pollen counts and use air purifiers or HEPA filters to help minimize exposure to allergens. Keep windows closed and use air conditioning in your home and car. Wear sunglasses outdoors to shield your eyes from airborne allergens.

Maintain Cleanliness: Wash your hands and face frequently, and clean your home regularly to reduce dust and pet dander. Change and wash clothes after being outdoors to help remove pollen and other allergens.

Use Eye Drops and Medications: For symptomatic relief, artificial tears can flush allergens from the eyes and provide lubrication, while antihistamine eye drops can quickly relieve itchiness, redness, and swelling. Decongestant eye drops effectively reduce redness but patients should use it sparingly to avoid rebound effects. Oral antihistamines can address overall allergy symptoms but may cause dry eyes.

Cold Compresses: Applying a cold, damp washcloth to your eyes can help reduce swelling and soothe itching.

Eye allergies can significantly affect daily life, but we can alleviate symptoms and restore comfort with proper care and management.

Consult Shore Family Eyecare in Manasquan

Shore Family Eyecare provides expert care for those suffering from eye allergies. We conduct detailed eye exams to identify the specific allergens causing symptoms and create personalized treatment plans for effective relief. Our team also offers advice on reducing exposure to allergens and provides continuous guidance on symptom management.

If you're experiencing persistent eye allergy symptoms, schedule an appointment to explore your options for relief and management.